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Saturday, December 31, 2016

Sorrys, Thank Yous, and Goodbyes for 2016

12/24/2016 10:09:16 PM

Don't get me wrong. I didn't write this post because I want to end the year right now (well, maybe at some point but sine I don't have the power to do so, sorry na lang ako, hahaha!). But since I am planning to do some massive revamps in my life by after Christmas, might as well write something very personal to cap the year.

While 2016 has been a rocky road in the world of news – from passing of the celebrities to passing the torch on politics – probably some people have felt the same way. It wasn't been a good year for them either. It was NOT the year.

And that includes yours truly. It has been shitty for almost half of the year from career setbacks, relationship breakups (both romantics, platonic, and friendship), to rifts among people, concepts unable to materialized, decision went indecision; probably a downfall as perfectly described. I'm all screwed up, and probably have myself to blame for fucking up with some of them. Heck, even our pet of 12 years passed away two months ago.

And it was only during the latter part of the year when I am slowly getting back to my groove; almost two months after resigning from my day job, I got tons of freelance work that may not be really well-compensated at will but gave me bunch of valuable items that even your crispy (and smelling hot) paper bill can't equalize – the rapport; the respect of people from public relations to fellow media personnel – both on music and other beats from digital lifestyle to sports.

As I bade goodbye, I would like to apologize to people whom I've been wronged with before as well as to whom I have been clashing with numerous times, and for the (probably same) ones who left me (it doesn't matter if it's in the cold or not). 

To everyone I had been on war with, specially these two people: my former friend in the blogging industry, and to whom once had been a flame, I am sorry. I understand that our differences and my attitude towards both of you were part of the root of our respective breakups and you guys might not forgive me and rebuild what is lost in return despite this. But I just want to say that I came in peace and now I will depart in peace.

Maybe some of you have thought of sending these bunch of sorrys in private instead of being part of this writing. Well, yeah, but since there was a time I humiliated them in our respective series of fights, I should be ashamed if I don't admit my mistakes the same manner, too. I was not a good friend at one point; not even a better relationship partner. Sounds like an open book, but I'll say that's just a norm'd pace.

Thank you.

And also I am expressing gratitude to the people I have been with for the past year. 

To Burn who gave me another opportunity to take part in this “scene” right now. I know, I've been affiliated with some groups out there at this time, but it doesn't really matter much. This guy right there probably saw something in me that eventually made him took me under his wing as part of We Are The Underdogs Productions – and at a random time, assisting his managed band BennyBunnyBand,

To JB, that even if I had shares of petty mistakes during our gigs at Docdef, he still entrust me to be part of his pool of henchmen, especially in the gates. Apart from that, I am touched when he called me 'lifesaver' during those after-gig shenanigans from Route to Cainta. Well I'm used to be tagged as one but coming from one of the people who gave you breaks of the game? It means a lot. Really.

To one of my good friends Japo, whom I fondly called 'Tito' because we interact like we're a bunch of older peeps. This is the guy who confronted me for a random time and uttered words like “look at the people who've been looking up to you”; as well as “don't give up, try it one more time” and  “keep doing good and believe in good karma.” So many life hacks. And also, it's been an honor to interview his band Paranoid City. Like it opened the world for me to do this kind of art again (hopefully, soon!).

To Sir Cris; I never expected to be friends with someone considered one of the top (and probably tough) guys in the music scene. He gave me one of breaks as a music blogger, and tapped me as part of their staff in the recent gigs of REVOLVER Productions. Never would I thought that will happen.

To one of my favorite bands called Autotelic, that even if they were already been considered mainstream at present, they are still the humblest guys I know – every single one of them. The mere fact that they included me as part of the people who supported them in making Papunta Pabalik melts me heart. I'll have a copy of that record someday, take that piece of paper, framed them all and tell the future kids (well, nephews, nieces, and grandchildren) “This is the legacy of your uncle. Helping people rise to their dreams – even for a small act.”

Also, to the other bands who I followed for a while, too: BennyBunnyBand, Tanya Markova, The Modern Playground, Paranoid City, Runway Hits, Farewell Fair Weather, and even An Honest Mistake (during their latest visit in the country).

To the people who also gave me several opportunities in online media –  Gabriel Diaz (Gigs Manila), Earl Maghirang (TheFanboySEO), Axl Guinto (Star Powerhouse) and Chad Ramos (Reimaru Files) – thank you, sirs. It's been an honor for the SlickMaster to be of help for you.

I guess there were many people whom I'm afraid I cannot be able to mention here, but you know  who you are guys. Thank you so much for all the times we had – good or bad.

And to Miss A, who made me realized that I wasn't really an asshole at all; that unconsciously I offered her real friendship and became a savior in the life-saving side of me. No matter how smart, funny, and poetic I am, words aren't enough for me to describe how much I love you. And I truly do. Thank you for being the realest guy in the room; for slapping me with a reality check hat I ain't SAWFT; and for always checking on me – something that rarely people would do. (How you doin'?) 

Okay, enough of wrestling references. 

There are so many life hacking statements I have learned in this world – especially since my breakdown. Switch of Assembly Generals once told me “Keep exploring.” Mic of Farewell Fair Weather said when you're up for something good, “Don't look back,” and like I said earlier, Japo was the one who uttered “Try it one more time” and look at the people who looked upon you. That, probably, speaks for why I ended up saying 'thank yous' to everyone who shared my writings no matter how I suck on grammar sometimes. And that also goes to people who used some of my photographs as part of identities or announcements in their respective social media platforms. And probably to the people I shed tears and shared variety of puns to cope up with whatever depressing I am feeling then.

Heck, even Burn's courtship story in the past inspired me to pull of a John Cena to myself – that is to never give up.

That being said, this roller coaster has come to an end. We'll be definitely back, but let's hope 2017 shall never fuck us up. Alright? Cheers!

And thanks Banna Harbera for the (bits) of inspiration of writing this title.

Author: slickmaster | © 2016 september twenty-eight productions

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