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Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Uncovering The Unsynced Contrapuntals

08/02/2016 11:24:56 PM

What's with the latest cover of PULP Magazine?

Photo credits: PULP, Radio Republic

Some may deemed it like there's nothing at all. Either nothing new, nothing wrong, nothing special or even nothing spectacular. 

To which I retaliate with warning. Better be careful when you see those words that way. Either that, or you back it up with solid, valid argumentative points. 'Cause in the world where there is yin and yang to every popular item, there will be ones who will tell you otherwise, It's not nothing. Some would even say it's promoting misogyny.

There's a reason why some people were crying out loud 'foul' on this, to the extent where the music scene has gone diverse, and Twitter wars were everywhere during that Tuesday afternoon.

For several, it's about women pointing as the object of sexual desires, especially at the time where talks about women empowerment, LGBT issues, and gender equality has been quickly escalating.

And frankly, it's tough to give a stance on this issue. Talking about either the straightness of manhood, womanhood, and homosexuality could be really so sensitive that it could wreak havoc in a single conversation. Yes, people tend to fire bombs on each other; compromising a lot of stake that involves them in the process (and that includes rapport and relationship status).

The fact that while it took them a lot of effort – including their only Filipino single Sila – to gain the audience's respect, the controversial feature just knocked them off. And we're not even talking mainstream here. Damn, son. Ninno's tweet reminds me of something.

Hey, we have to take a chill pill here for a few ticks or so.

I have a feeling that even if the concept was done with no bad pun intended, there might be something wrong done in the process that makes it misinterpreted by some. Either that or #ParangMayMali at all. 

I don't hate SUD (and I'm not a casual fan of them), and the current PULP cover may sound usual in the eyes of those AMOGs (Alpha Male Omega Guy), but what just happened earned them publicity in one way or another. Why? Simply because sex sells. Their music is sex. What you've seen right there from the get-ups to the props, is sex. And because of this current news logic we have seen everywhere, regardless if it triggers hatred or not, people will talk about it as similar as seeing videos of foreplay and intercourse.

But to say they took advantage of it might be a bit of bullshit. Any true blue SUD fans out there knows what kind of brand they are (to sum one gig host's words, it's baby-making music). I don't think they had done that on purpose.

Heck, I won't be surprised if there will be people out there who perceived the indie music scene as such. However, to say this scene is all about being sexual (just because of that cover mag) is also a goddamn bullshit. Yeah, fuck everyone who will think that way.

Some would even think of controversy as a satirical item, but unfortunately, it could either fall on being done in a bad taste, or us Filipinos aren't aware of that thing at all.

While the band apologized late Tuesday night, I think it's better to patch things up. We all live in a small community here in the Metro. And while everyone may have contrasting views, it's better to do two things: one is to respect the differences; and two, go for the common good. Yes, being sensitive (or considering other's feelings or what they had done through to react that way) is one way. That should be all.

Can I rest my case on this, please?

Author: slickmaster | © 2016 september twenty-eight productions

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