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Wednesday, July 12, 2017

PlayBack: TheSunManager – Worth (album)

05/14/2017 10:10:15 PM

After four years, the solo project has found its way to a full-length album. 

Secrets, the album's carrier single, banner what April's worth (literally) upon bringing this record to the table; on what she (and her entire band) can offer to everyone. The laying of the piano was just perfect to the drum work. 

But going beyond, Worth has been the usual fast-to-slow (uptempo to mellow) track ordering. And somehow, the latter tracks proved to be capable on how songs are working if April goes on a solo mode. From the louder-but-chill kind of folk to the acoustics (at most), I must say.

It was somewhat the chilling kind of indie folk; something preferred on those after-party times or slowdown hours. I can say Mel's work on the keyboard attracted me the most, aside from those piano

There us more goodness to the mixed sound of indie and folk music. Now only if people could give TheSunManager a try to listen.

Verdict: 7.4

Author: slickmaster | © 2017 The SlickMaster's Files

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